Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Exciting Opportunity for Tyler

Tyler has successfully completed his third year in the animation program at Loyalist College and while not all of the marks are in, he's received well over 90% in the ones that are.  In addition to this, his professors have selected him to showcase his work in the Student Showcase section at  DIGIFEST in Toronto.  (Digifest is an international digital festival which takes place in Toronto)

A bit about the student showcase part from their website:

"Come see the best digital projects from across the province and abroad!

From May 8th to 10th, Digifest will be hosting the "Best of the Best" Student Showcase ....
 Come by this free event to see the incredible work being done by tomorrow's leading designers, artists, developers and innovators.

40 projects from 13 post-secondary institutions will be on display for 3 days only.  The Student Showcase will feature the best student works selected by their schools under the categories of Integrated Media, Social Innovation, Animation and Moving Image, Interaction and Gaming, Visual Art and Design and Beyond the Screen.  This unique exhibit brings together under one room the most exciting cross-disciplinary student work in Ontario, and you won't want to miss it!"
(Above excerpt copied from here:  http://www.torontodigifest.ca/2014/student-showcase/

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"How does it work?

1)  Each participating school will select the top projects from the graduating class to be juried during Digifest.


5)    Those exhibiting their work will have the unique opportunity to speak to festival attendees about their project.  A jury of industry professionals will choose the "best" project from each category, which will be presented with an award at a ceremony ....."
(Above excerpt copied from here: http://www.torontodigifest.ca/2014/student-showcase-participants/ )

Complete info about Digifest 2014 available from their website:  http://www.torontodigifest.ca/2014/

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tyler's animation film

Here is Tyler's final animation film / cartoon.   (It's best viewed on Full Screen Mode)

Expedition:Mars from Tyler Wescott on Vimeo.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

After year three

Tyler is nearing the end of year three (final year) of his college program.   Here is the link to his website.  Once on his site, there are tabs along the top....be sure to check them all out!

Click here for Tyler's website

Well done, Tyler!