I like this award too....the colours are so vivid and the flower...they all remind me of summer which, we here in most parts of North America, are eagerly awaiting!

The conditions of this award is to post it and then award other bloggers who brighten my day. Hmmm...that is just too difficult as all the blogs I read brighten my day! Sooo...thanks to all of you!
Your blog brings your world into our view and I love that...it is such a beautiful view that you behold! Thank you Linda for the bright spot you are.
Thanks, Renee. I needed to hear this today. In the midst of all you are dealing with, you always have time for a kind word. Thank you!
Every time I come by here and see your header, I just am jaw slacked. What an incredible view! Wow!
Congratulations on your award! Renee is right! You are a bright spot!
Thanks, Dominique! My header picture was taken from our back yard :)
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