no more books ....
no more teachers (well...ya actually they still have to see their teachers all year long...lucky...aren't they? lol)
School is done for the summer!!! Yahoo!!
We finished on Friday, filed the year's work away, got the books for next year out and set up...all ready to go. Today, we worked on our goals for next year...how far we want to be and by when etc.
We're still in the 'transition' stage .... somewhere between bookwork and some newfound freedom --- which they seem to translate into....we can stay-up-as-late-as-we-please ..... sleep-as-late-as-we-want.....eat-whenever-and-whatever-we-feel-like line of thinking. Once they learn (again...we start every summer off like this) this line of thinking does not work here for us....our days will run smoother and we'll be in full summer mode again.
We have a few things planned for the summer. We're heading back to Ontario for a visit. This will be our first trip back since moving here...and we're all eagerly anticipating it. We have friends to visit along the way before heading to our hometowns where we will visit with Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and many friends.
Brittney will be staying on for three weeks, visiting with her long-time friend. She'll then be flying back home to NL, which she is so excited about. She's never been on a big plane and flying on one has been something she's wanted to do for a long, long time (but mean ole Mom and Dad wouldn't let her fly into Toronto on her own). Sooo...I guess it will be just me and the guys coming home.
As far as jobs...Tyler and Brittney both have casual type jobs. Our neighbour travels a fair bit for her job and she has Brittney look after her cats. Tyler cuts her grass and does odd jobs for her as needed. Last year she hired Jake to pull dandelions from her yard.
Our annual church retreat is this weekend and they've hired Brittney to help with the daycare/babysitting. She'll be going with a family from the church and spending three days there. She is ecstatic...she loves children...this is a dream job for her.
Jake is a little put out that he does not have a job...but he usually comes up with a way to earn a few extra dollars. I'm sure this year will be no different. ;0)
Interspersed around all that...there will be lots of bike riding, roller blading, basketball playing, hiking, exploring, whale watching (hopefully), pogo stick jumping, swimming as well as lots of sunshine and enjoying the great outdoors (hopefully as long as the weather co-operates!). Of course there are the usual chores....lawn cutting, house cleaning, wood stacking etc. etc.
Yes....we've been anxiously awaiting the summer. It's here...and we couldn't be happier!
Soooo...is it actually warm there now? We may reach 20 degrees by the weekend. Maybe.
Sounds like your summer plans will be lots of fun! If you're heading to Ontario...lol! I suppose you'll be further east than we are, but if you feel the need to travel a bit further west, let me know!
Shannon....well...it was warm here....low 20s....but *today*....it was 7* this morning....brrr.. lol
Also ... sending you an email.
Sounds like you have a busy summer planned. I feel like life is flying by lately..I am ready for a slow down. I just wish I was as prepared for next school year as you are!
I remember those days of summer myself way back when...........
Hope everyone enjoys their time off and that the weather warms up soon~much more fun when you have the sun!
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