What a show they put on!! There were several groups (hmmm....I *think* a group of whales is called a pod..but I'm not sure...so I'm calling them a group for now lol) of them...one group must have had 10. They jumped and spouted and had a grand ole' time. Amazing.
Here are some pics...click to enlarge. My whale picture taking skills have improved a little bit over last year....but not enough. The whale jumps, I snap the pic but before the camera goes off...the whale has gone down. (I tried yelling, "Hold that pose" to the whale while he was in mid air...silly whale did not co-operate ;) I have several pics of the ocean....not a whale in sight. Oh well...here are a few of not too bad ones. Don't forget to click to enlarge them, it does show a bit more detail.
Three of them playing together....
Caught his tail...
Some spouting shots...notice how small the fishing boats appear...
What fun! Thanks for sharing this, Linda.
How cool is that!!
I still get goose bumps when I see the dolphins jumping in the ocean.
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