Still looking for whales ....
Brittney has graduated from grade 8!
Today was a great day here on The Rock.
Larry and I were up early, the sun was shining and the kids were all still in bed. We decided to take our coffee out back, enjoy the lookout, and watch for any whales that happen to be up early. It was beautiful seeing the sun shine on the ocean but that made it difficult to see any whales (if there were any). Oh well....we still looked anyway.
After we'd spent an hour back there just watching we figured the troops would all be up and we should make our way back. Not so though....when we returned they were all still asleep. Eventually they came to life and gathered in the kitchen for breakfast.
This year, Brittney finished grade 8 ---- where did the time go? I can hardly believe my little girl is so grown up! In celebration of her finishing grade 8, we'd promised her lunch out at the restaurant of her choice. She'd had her sight set on a certain one that is well known for pasta. She's been wanting to go there for some time, but it's a little more expensive than the types we go to, so she's never been there. However when she asked to go this time, we agreed. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the restaurant, there was a posted sign that said renovations were happening this week which meant a limited menu of pizza and salad only. I felt badly for her as she had her sights set on pasta....but after a bit of initial disappointment, she happily selected another one.
It was a great lunch...lots of laughter.
After lunch we had some errands to take care of. Tyler had been wanting for some time to pick up a certain type of marker for his cartooning. We'd been waiting to combine this with another trip into this worked well. |We also had a few other errands to take care of ---- a new lawn chair to buy (although we *are* keeping the broken one), caulking and cement to purchase, Jake wanted to pick up a new pair of sunglasses (gotta look cool ya know) and there were some great specials at the grocery store.
After all that, we headed for home. Beautiful drive coming along the coast line. Upon our arrival home, Larry took care of a few details before we headed back to check on the whale situation. We weren't disappointed as one came up 10 feet off of our close! --- and even with my camera set on the fast speed (thanks Molytail!), I still wasn't fast enough to get the shot.
Oh well...there is always tomorrow.
Sounds like a wonderful day!
Our daughter is halfway through Year 9, so maybe they are close in age, she is my eldest daughter too.
I wish I had your backyard! I live on an island too, of course, but we're right smack in the middle of town...if I'm up and about early enough, I can find it better (like the pic at the top of my blog - I took that one behind the downtown mall, of all places LOL) but I'd love to be where you are. Very pretty!
I know what you mean about growing-up-little-girls...Cindy is finished grade six this year and "officially" a junior high kid...yikes!
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