Sunday, November 2, 2008

A fun Award

Linda, from over at Remotetree Changer has honoured me with this award. Thanks so much, Linda! Linda lives in Australia and has a wonderful blog, so if you have the time, why not stop by for a visit.

This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day

The rules to follow are :

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

These are the people I have chosen to award.

1) Penelope at Roots and Wings

2) Kayla at Life in Small Town, Wyoming

3) The Land of Cheerios, Sticky Fingers and Muddy Shoes

4) Molytail

5) Becky over at A Peek Inside Our World

6) Carman over at The Travelling Thiessens

7) Shannon over at Each Day in Faith

8) Army Wife gnr at Harrison's Deployment Blog. (I believe this blog is private, so there is no link)

9) Jacqueline at Jacqueline's Jabberings


Harrison Family said...

Thank you so much for this award. I would love to post it onto my blog but Iam not good at computers and can't figure out how. But thank you!!!

Penelope said...

Thanks Linda!! I appreciate it!

yofed said...

Thanks.... I'll have to remember to post it on my blog.... but I have to decide who to give it to! ;)

Shannon said...

Wow! This is totally unexpected!!! Thank you!

molytail said...

aww, thanks! :-D

Harrison Family said...

Yeah! I figured out how so off I go to post it. Thank you