We're still trying to get used of life here on 'The Rock'. So many things are so different than what we are used of.
One thing that is new to us is wood burning. We enjoyed having an almost full year's worth of wood that came with the house. We burned that and thoroughly enjoyed our first winter with wood heat. But...as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end .... and this is no exception.
The winter has gone and the wood is too. We have been scrambling....or what feels like scrambling....trying to buy some wood for the upcoming burning season.
We finally scored some wood. It was delivered last week, (and....as per usual here, the guy didn't come to the door to be paid, instead telling us to drop around and pay him whenever we got around to it). The wood was still in log form, which means we have to chop it up, but not having a chainsaw, makes that rather difficult. Our friend Paul offered to bring his saw and chop wood, just as soon as he got it fixed.
Not knowing when this would happen, we decided the boys would try and saw some by hand. I was surprised....but they did quite a bit considering. We joked around as they cut, about how long it was taking or that we were going to get the largest logs for them. All in good fun and it made the time go faster. Eventually, Paul showed up with his chainsaw and made the job go much quicker.
Yep...I can just about feel that heat now.
Just as an aside, you can see from the above pictures how foggy it was this morning. In the pictures with Tyler and Larry, you can't see the ocean or the icebergs. By the time Paul arrived though, most of the fog had cleared and the ocean and icebergs (although it has rolled) are once again visible.
There's nothing like wood heat! I noticed the iceberg in the background. While driving the coast yesterday I was thinking about you and keeping an eye out for icebergs. Saw one fairly big one. Then today I went for a ride right to the tip of the island, Lance Aux Meadows, and saw what looks to be another fairly big one boxed in with lots of ice around it. If I had a camera I'd take a picture for you.
Thanks, Jacqueline. I've heard they are beautiful up that way.
Our wood pile doesn't have an iceberg behind it lol.
It does have a nice view sometimes though.
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